Wednesday, August 02, 2006


LJ picture strangeness

This Latest 30 LJ set of pictures makes me think that Brian from "Spaced" is based on a real person. I don't know whether to be afraid or just bemused. The Evidence.

OK, I couldn't resist posting some more.

This one made me laugh.

So did this one. It reminds me of the Ninja School we had by our old house. The only way the Ninja School could have been funnier was if it had been Ninja School for Christ.

Does this bouquet toss feel fixed to you?

You know, you never see things like "Karate for Moses" (Jew-jitsu?) or "Bowling for Mohammed". What is it about Jesus that attracts the whackjobs?
...well, that particular kind of whackjob, anyway. As opposed to the violent kind, who seem to be well represented among just about all faiths, especially the monotheistic ones.

Captcha: izrfbhsn. That looks like it should mean something in Arabic...
I think it's just because Christianity is more a part of the westernized world, and the westernized world (in general) allows for a broader range of ideas.

I always boggle at the strangeness that comes out of Japan, though, in the form of game shows and fads. I have no explanation for that. I was a bit relieved that a friend of mine from Japan ALSO thought they were very strange. =)
Here's one you might appreciate (not sure if it's too late for Chase to sport this fashion...):
Hehehehe, I am well familiar with that particular baby fashion. He's a bit old for it now, we just fling him into an empty pack-n-play and let him sleep sprawled everywhere.
Ok, this might rival your Batman pic as one of the weirdest things I've seen on the top 30 page -

Would you put your kid in that??
Oh my, but that is an impressive crib. I suppose it would discourage curious older siblings from disturbing the baby =)
Ok, those people in the B&W photos scare me. Way too creepy.

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