Thursday, July 20, 2006


"Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip"

I couldn't be more excited about this show. I LOOOOOVE Aaron Sorkin's writing, and it was a sad sad day when he left West Wing. It went from being one of my favorite shows ever to being unwatchable. It was painful. I don't know if it truly became awful, or if it was just so much worse by comparison that I couldn't get over it. Normally my standards for TV dramas are pretty low, though - most are at least watchable.

Anyway, I'm super excited about this particular show not only because it's Aaron Sorkin, but also because it's about something that I have a vague interest in - I enjoy seeing behind the scenes of almost anything and I have an almost train-wreckesque fascination with the entertainment industry. Soo many people would sell their souls to make it big in Hollywood, yet I know of so few "stars" that seem to have happy healthy lives. The only exceptions I've been able to come with are possibly Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. They seem to have it together. The rest seem to have issues with lots of divorces, drug or alcohol problems, eating disorders, that kind of thing. Maybe it's selective attention, though.

Also, did you know that if you're amongst the super-rich, your chance of a yachting-related death positively SKYROCKETS???

Sorkin could write a show about the most boring thing imaginable, like, say, a sports show, and I would still love it. So counting the days 'til Studio 60!

Speaking of that:

"There are diseases of poverty, such as tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. There are diseases of affluence, such as lung cancer, high blood pressure, and type-2 diabetes. And then there are the hazards of extreme affluence, such as being thrown off a polo pony, flipping your Cigarette boat, or succumbing to altitude sickness on a vanity expedition to the Himalayas. "
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